Our Mission and Vision
To seek to facilitate formation or sustenance of centers of excellence for persons with various disabilities/handicaps by: - Creating and facilitating a forum for persons of various religious diversity, to address issues on human disabilities with a special emphasis on physical and mental disabilities and other affiliated disorders/limitations.
- Towards this end we shall seek to include in our advisory boards religious and secular leaders from various religious entities/schools of thought and faith and secular based institutions.
- Seek ways and means of creating and sensitizing in our various societies a youth that is "dis-ability" friendly and takes the mission and vision of persons with various disabilities into the future.
- Seek to influence the creation or strengthening of a liturgical /spiritually based disability friendly church and congregation.
- Towards this end the universality of God shall be our guiding light just as disability is a universal human element in all continents, faiths and cultures.
- Seek to tap the various influence groups as represented within the Friends of Allamano Special School membership and fellow-shipping groups towards the enhancement of a disability friendly social culture.
- Seek to demystify disability by inculcating "Reason & Faith" in line with various contemporary efforts in this direction as undertaken by religious, secular, scientific, cultural, fraternal and corporate institutions.
- Seek to form and encourage twinning and sponsoring arrangements for persons with disabilities in developing and new missionary lands in conjunction with organizations and churches that are already represented in those countries and cultures.
- Seek ways and means of assessing, evaluating and rehabilitating dis-ability friendly projects by inculcating relevant technology, management, financial, moral and ethical disciplines that govern the success of a conscience/spiritually sensitive society.